Planning a big event can be fun, but sometimes stressful.
Ordering the right amount of food within your budget to make all of your guests happy can seem overwhelming, but we are here to make catering food for your next special event go smoothly.
Himalayan offers a large variety of delicious entrees and appetizers to make events including Diwali, Navratri, Dashain, Tihar, birthday celebrations, holiday, new years, work events and gatherings with family and friends a huge success. For more than 20 years, we have been successfully meeting our customers’ needs.
“We work with our customers so they get exactly what they want within their budget,”
Our staff are skilled at knowing how to guide the host on what they need in terms of food selection and determine how much they need, considering event types and guest counts. In addition, we also cater to clients that have dietary restrictions including Vegan, Gluten free, Jain food and more.
We typically suggest the following for a part of 25 to 100 people:
2 appetizers
1 daal
2 entrees
1 naan
1 rice
1 dessert
1 salad
For more than 100 there are other suggestions. We can always work with our customers regarding the menu and price. Himalayan offers paneer entrees, chicken entrees, vegetarian entrees, lamb and goat entrees, vegetarian appetizers, non-vegetarian appetizers and seafood dishes.
We are excited to help make your next event enjoyable and memorable for all of your guests.

Easy to order:
Call us at 312.877.5999 Order Himalayan Chicago | 847.324.4150 Order Himalayan Niles